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Individual professional coaching

Coaching is a partnership that focuses on the action you intend to take to achieve your vision, goals and desires.

You benefit from a supportive structure and a valuable source of feedback.


The coaching process helps you define and achieve your professional and personal goals faster and easier than would be possible without the intervention of a coach.

Coaching prompts self-discovery questions, which increases your level of insight and accountability.

Situations where coaching can help you:

Preparing to assume a new role in an organization


Facilitating your integration into a new organization or a new role

Classe de méditation

Team coaching

"Team coaching brings together all members of a permanent team, including the leader, who share a common goal."


It can be a permanent team such as a management team, a department or a project team.

Objectives/Content/Target audience

The objective is to strengthen the cohesion between the team members, through a review of the common and individual responsibilities, the operating modes and the nature of the interactions within the team.

Mentor coaching

Continue to learn the technical skills of a professional coach

Coaching is becoming more and more widespread, but the coaching profession is not officially recognized. Hence the importance of certification with a federation.  Mentoring (or mentor coaching) is mandatory to obtain and maintain your ACC certification with the International Coaching Federation (ICF).


Are you a coach and interested in becoming certified with the International Coaching Federation (ICF)?


Mentoring or mentor coaching is a professional support relationship aimed at achieving and demonstrating levels of coaching competency, according to the quality criteria prescribed by ICF. During a mentoring session, the coach is coached on his or her coaching skills.


In groups, coaching exercises and simulations are performed, commented on and discussed together so that each participant knows exactly what he/she is doing well and understands what he/she needs to do to develop a deeper level of coaching proficiency.


In individual coaching, the mentoring focuses on the analysis and discussion of videos where the coach is in a real coaching situation.



Exploring one's practices and personal development

Supervision is a safe space where the supervisee and the supervisor explore together the different aspects of the coaching profession in order to optimize the service to the client, i.e. the coachee. It is indeed this focus on the client that is central to the supervision relationship.


By developing one's identity and posture as a coach, supervision contributes to the right positioning and increased effectiveness with clients and/or teams.

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